
best beard oil for black men
Black Fraternities: It’s More Than Just Stepping Continued...
Last month we talked about three of the five fraternities that are a part of the Divine 9 in our introductory post to our new campaign #KnowYourHeritage. You can read it here. This week we want to continue the conversation about Black Fraternities and their importance in the African American community with a little background history of the final two fraternities in the Divine 9, Phi Beta Sigma and Iota Phi Theta.
Phi Beta Sigma
Also known as, “A brotherhood of conscious men actively serving our communities,” was established in 1914 at Howard University by A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F. Morse, and Charles I. Brown. The three men came together to create a group that exemplifies the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service. Unlike many other Greek organizations at the time, Phi Beta Sigma founders strived for the organization to view itself as “part of” the general community rather than “apart from.” With over 185,000 members initiated since 1914, the international organization has awarded $2.5 million in scholarships to students. Through its four main programs: Bigger and Better Business, Education, Social Action, and Sigma Beta Clubs, members of the fraternity commit to 123,000 service hours annually and mentor 1,500 young men every year.
A few famous Phi Beta Sigma members:
Jerry Rice
Bootsy Collins
Emmitt Smith
Al Roker
Hines Ward
Blair Underwood
Terrence Howard
Iota Phi Theta
On September 19, 1963, the youngest of the five fraternities a part of the Divine 9 was founded by 12 students at Morgan State University: Albert Hicks, Lonnie Spruill, Jr., Charles Briscoe, Frank Coakley, John Slade, Barron Willis, Webster Lewis, Charles Brown, Louis Hudnell, Charles Gregory, Elias Dorsey, Jr., and Michael Williams. The twelve founders established the fraternity’s purpose, “The development and perpetuation of scholarship, leadership, citizenship, fidelity, and brotherhood among men,” during one of the most turbulent times in African-American History, the Civil Rights Movement. Just one month before its foundation, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his historic, “I Have a Dream” speech. To date, Iota Phi Theta has 263 chapters around the world and has initiated over 30,000 members. It’s national service initiatives include The National Iota Foundation, The I.O.T.A. Youth Alliance, and The INROADS Partnership. Through its many other partnerships in the community, the organization continues to “build a tradition, not rest upon one.”
A few famous Iota Phi Theta members:
Terrance C. Carson
Kendrick Jevon Dean
Desi Arnez Hines II
Manuel Olazabal
Spencer Christian
We started the #KnowYourHeritage campaign highlighting the fraternities of the Divine 9 because there aren’t enough outlets showcasing positive, African-American male organizations. Unfortunately, many people solely associate African-American frats with partying and stepping, ignoring their reputation for service. At Fresh Heritage, we agree with those who believe that black fraternities aid as a training ground for many of the world's top African-American leaders. During our research, we found many different opinions on the necessity of black fraternities and the good they do. But as we addressed in last month’s post, Black Fraternities: It’s More Than Just Stepping, unless you know your heritage it is easy to fall victim to false information about your own people. As we continue our campaign to highlight our heritage, we invite you to share your beliefs and feedback on the topics we discuss.
Speaking of heritage and history, did you know Fresh Heritage was created after two brothers took a life-changing trip to North Africa? Fresh Heritage has been helping men look and feel better by creating products that are inspired by the ancient traditions of our ancestors.
Read more about our story here (pics and videos included)!

beard care tip
3 Natural Lifestyle Tips to Maintain a Healthy Beard for Life
Growing a beard isn’t a fashion statement, it’s a lifestyle! Men who rock beards don’t just wake up one day with a full healthy beard and the swag to date any woman that they want. The Beard Gang lifestyle takes work, and it’s not always easy. If you think women have a long grooming process, you should know that men with beards have a grooming process that lasts a lifetime if they're doing it right. To optimize the full potential of your beard, there are three key things you have to maintain for life. Those three things are:
A healthy diet. In order to grow a beard that isn’t dull and patchy, you need healthy testosterone levels. You can gain healthy testosterone levels by consuming saturated fats. Examples of foods with saturated fats are eggs, fatty beef, lamb, butter, cheese, and other dairy products. The American Heart Association recommends consuming about 5% to 6% of your daily calories from saturated fats. A diet rich in protein and at least eight glasses of water a day will also help you grow a fuller, healthier beard.
Plenty of sleep. We’ve said it once, and we’ll repeat it: Sleep is “so necessary” (Jay-Z's voice). According to the National Sleep Foundation, an adult male should get around 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Sleep allows our bodies to reboot, rebuild, and grow everything, including beards.
Daily Exercise. The nutrients you digest regularly travel through your blood. Therefore it is vital for you to maintain good circulation throughout your body so that the proper nutrients are distributed. The best way to do that is to exercise daily. The Mayo Clinic recommends that every adult gets at least 30 minutes a day of physical activity. This can include walking, running, lifting, whatever it is, but you need to stay in motion.
There are plenty of products you can buy to help you maintain a healthy beard throughout your life. However, these three natural lifestyle tips are key to the success of a healthy beard for life. So eat good, rest up, and workout!
What do you do to maintain a full, healthy beard? We want to know!

black men with beard
3 Simple Winter Skin Care Tips for Black Men
The winter months can be grueling on the skin. The cold air makes our skin especially vulnerable, often times leaving it dry and cracked. If you’re like most men, you probably write this off as just a part of the season and think there isn’t anything that you can do about it. But that isn’t true. There are 3 key skin care routines every black man should do during the winter months to protect his skin.
Shower with lukewarm water. We know you want to hit the showers and turn up the heat because of the cold. However, the hot water removes essential oils from your skin making it especially susceptible to drying out. Thus leaving you with the ultimate fail for Fresh men - ashy skin. To prevent the ash, turn down the heat.
Moisturize daily. Hydrating your skin daily will help you keep an even tone and prevent flakey and ashy skin (again nobody likes ashy skin). Use your moisturizer immediately after showering while your skin is still wet. An added bonus is to use a moisturizer with sunscreen. Although it’s cold, the sun’s UV’s can still cause damage to your skin even though it is melaninated. The sunscreen will help protect your skin from hyperpigmentation and skin cancer.
Drink more water. Skin care starts from the inside out. In the winter time, we tend to drink less water, turning to drinks like coffee and tea to stay warm. However, now, more than ever your skin needs to stay hydrated from H20. Experts recommend that you drink an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day. If it’s warmth you want, consider drinking warm water with a lemon to experience a refreshing, healthy drink.
Winter weather doesn’t have to mean dry ashy skin. Implement these three simple skin care tips to keep your face and skin fresh all winter.

black men with beard
It’s Just Logic - You Should Definitely Be Dating a Black Man with a Beard
The beard has made a major comeback and is here to stay. Men around the world, approximately 55% of them, have some facial hair to complement their features. If you’ve been eyeing that colleague down the hall or double tapping that guy with the great beard pics, we’re here to tell you that now, more than ever, is the perfect time to open your heart to a black man with a beard. Here’s why:
He is patient.
Seriously, it takes a lot to grow a healthy beard? Great beards don’t just happen, especially not overnight. Black men with healthy beards have waited weeks (some even years) to get their beards healthy and full. That says a lot about the amount of patience he has for things he cares dearly about.
He is understanding.
The man has a beauty routine of his own. He understands that good things will take time and will respect the hours you probably spend grooming yourself.
He is wise and respected.
Want to date a man who commands a room without even having to open his mouth? Since the beginning of time, men with beards have been looked at as scholarly and wise. Think about how smart it is to wear a style that is timeless and versatile.
He is a good lover.
Beards are versatile in the bedroom too. From a gentle tickle to an aggressive rub, beards add a little friction where necessary and offer a unique, pleasing experience to partners.
He is going to look good for a long time.
Everybody knows, “black don’t crack.” But the University of Southern Queensland has discovered something even more appealing. In a study published in the Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal, it was found that beards, “block 90 to 95 percent of UV rays, slowing the aging process and reducing skin cancer.” Your bearded black man is going to look good forever.
So, if you’ve been considering giving a bearded black man a shot, we say go for it! Need directions to the nearest single, bearded black man? Check out our Beard Gang Facebook page.
Once you two fall in love, give him the gift of maintaining his healthy beard with some of our Fresh Heritage Classic Beard Oil, trust us, you both will love it!

black men with beard
10 Surprising Facts We Bet you Didn't Know About Beards
We love beards! You obviously have some interest in them too if you’ve landed here. At Fresh Heritage, we consider ourselves experts when it comes to caring for beards. Did you know that the profession of studying beards is called pogonology and that scholars who study beards are Pogonologist (yes this is an actual career choice if you’re looking for a new one)? There are so many crazy, but actual, facts about beards we bet you probably didn't know.
Read the ten beard facts that surprised us below and share them with fellow beard connoisseurs:
Fact #1: It is estimated that about 55% of men around the world have some type of facial hair.
Fact # 2: The average beard is made up of about 30,000 whiskers and, grows 5 ½ inches in a year.
Fact #3: Beards have the capability of growing four times a man’s height.
Fact #4: The average man who shaves spends 3,350 hours in the bathroom.
Fact #5 If the average man never trimmed his beard, it can grow to be 27 ½ feet.
Fact #6: People with an abnormal fear of beards (yes they exist) have pogonophobia.
Fact #7: Beads can work as a filter to keep pollen and dust from settling, helping men with allergies breath better.
Fact #8: Beards make you 63% more likely to win a staring contest.
Fact #9: The longest female beard ever recorded was 30 cm.
Fact #10: Hans Langseth holds the record for the longest beard ever recorded; it was about 17 feet long.

black men with beard
Decoding Men's Facial Hair: What Your Facial Hair Says About You!
First impressions are the most lasting. Do you know what your facial hair or lack thereof says about you? From the Beard Scholar himself, Allan Peterkin, to our 41,000 Beard Gang members, we’ve scoured the internet streets to see exactly what people think of black men and their facial hair.
Clean Shave
A clean shave is as much of a statement as a full beard. While we’re #beardgang here at Fresh Heritage, we still have love for our beardless brothers, with hope that they will one day join us. Until then, we’ve noticed a common belief about those who choose to stay clean. The clean-shaven black man is looked at as a young man that likes to be in control. He’s meticulous, some may even label him as a preppy, clean freak.
This man typically received fewer likes on his pictures in our Beard Gang Facebook Group leading us to believe it’s not the ladies’ favorite look. There’s a common misconception that this look is easy to maintain, which can make those without the scruff think that men who choose this style are easy going, laid-back, or even lazy. Trust us, we know how hard it is to keep this look up, which is why we offer a Custom Beard Grooming Kit equip with a beard comb, brush, scissors, and oils to assist you.
We’ve read around town, well online, that the man with a goatee may just be a commitment-phobe. A goatee is a gateway to a fuller, healthier beard, or any easy way to return to a clean shave if the mood strikes. This guy is keeping his options open.
Peterkin says, “It’s a guy who wants to push the envelope and also wants to be asked about his facial hair.” We scrolled through the Beard Gang Group and noticed only a few of our brothers wearing this look, but hey, it definitely takes a lot of work to keep up. The men who choose to rock a chinstrap put a lot of time and effort into their daily appearance and really care.
Full Beard aka The Alpha Beard
The new school has taken over this old style and made it the most popular among black men today. A full beard is associated with a high status and a wealth of experience. This alpha style seems to be a favorite among women who love beards.
People project their own meanings into facial hair. In this day in age, the only way to find out why a man wears a certain style over another is to ask him!
So fellas, what do you have to say about your beard?