Beard Education

beard care tip
10 Beard Products Every Black Man Needs in 2022
No matter your beard length or style, here are products that you can use to keep your beard looking its best this year.

beard game
Sexy Valentine’s Day Playlist
You provide the romantic date, and we’ve got you when it comes to the sexy tunes!

beard care tip
The Nutrients You Need to Grow A Better Beard
You’ve heard it before, but we’ll say it again, you are what you eat! So many men struggle with growing a beard. They want a full, healthy beard but are often left with patchy beards, or even worse, not even enough hair on their face to define their facial hair as a beard at all. According to Jim White, registered dietician and spokesman for The American Dietetic Association, the condition of your facial hair directly corresponds to the health of your body. This means that you can eat your way to a smoother, shinier, and fuller beard. If you’ve been looking for a more natural way to stimulate beard growth, eat foods rich in the following vitamins and nutrients:
Vitamin A and Beta-carotene
Vitamin A works by repairing skin tissue. Healthy skin is the foundation for a full, healthy beard. When your skin is healthy, your beard is bound to grow. Beta-carotene is a nourishing substance that the body converts to Vitamin A. It is mostly found in foods that are low in saturated fats such as sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, squash, and peas.
Eating protein-rich food is essential for healthy hair growth. Foods that are rich in protein include chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, and yogurt.
Vitamins C and E
These nutrients boost the production of sebum which lubricates skin and hair. Rich sources of vitamins C and E include almonds, broccoli, fruits, spinach, green peppers, sunflower seeds, mangos, and peanut butter.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
If you want to grow your beard rapidly eat more foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids. The nutrient boosts hair growth and protects cell membranes, thus preventing your beard from becoming brittle or dry. Try adding walnuts, salmon, and flaxseed oil to your diet to get the recommended daily amount of this hair growing nutrient.
Zinc enhances repair and tissue growth. Beef, oysters, spinach, lentils, and pumpkin seeds are foods rich in zinc.
If you’re serious about growing a fuller, healthier beard, take an inventory of the foods you consume and consider updating your diet to a diet rich in vitamin A, protein, vitamins C and E, and zinc because what you eat matters.

beard care tip
How To Grow Your Beard - 5 Tips
Here is what fellow beard enthusiast, bmazingvlogs has to say about "How To Grow Your Beard".
Here's what we think about it...He has great basic tips that every bearded brother should follow. For me personally, drinking 1 gallon per day has been difficult. If you can't drink a gallon yet, just start off with half a gallon. You will definitely see and feel the difference!
We would also add a high quality moisturizing product, either beard oil or conditioner. This will prevent hair breakage and promote healthy beard hair growth.
His Tips Are As Follows:
Eat clean. Stay away from processed foods as mush as possible.
Try to drink 1 gallon of water a day.
Embrace the patchy beard. Once it grows out you wont notice it. Just line it up as it grows out.
Keep your skin clean. Exfoliate skin underneath and keep hair cleansed because you don't want to add beard product on top of old product in your beard.
When starting off, don't focus on getting too many beard products. Use a general oil to keep it moisturized
Be patient.
If You don't want to wait so long and you want to speed up beard growth, I would suggest using our beard oil & growth vitamins. We have hundreds of 5 STAR reviews about the amazing results our customers have gotten using either product.