5 Surprising Facts About Beard Oil

5 Surprising Facts About Beard Oil

Take even a cursory look at almost any popular social media platform, and you'll see many men growing their beards longer, thicker, and sometimes wilder. No wonder it seems like a new beard care brand is being launched almost every month. One of the more popular beard care products, especially this time of the year when we're heading into the colder months, is beard oil. Whether you’re a new user or have been using beard oil for months or years, read on and learn a thing or two (or five!)

Take even a cursory look at almost any popular social media platform, and you'll see many men growing their beards longer, thicker, and sometimes wilder. No wonder it seems like a new beard care brand is being launched almost every month. One of the more popular beard care products, especially this time of the year when we're heading into the colder months, is beard oil. Whether you’re a new user or have been using beard oil for months or years, read on and learn a thing or two (or five!)


If you think you can just blindly pick any beard oil in the market and reap the benefits, you're in for a surprise. Beard oil ingredients vary almost per brand, with some being both more effective and safer, like our Beard Oil Classic, inspired by ancient African grooming traditions. Our product is made of pure Moroccan Argan oil, organic Jojoba oil, and a proprietary blend of essential oils, among others, securing your best chance for a healthier, thicker, and smoother beard.  


While you can apply beard oil any time you like, there's an ideal time to apply it for the best results. Make beard oil part of your morning beard care routine so you have the best looking beard all day long. Clean and wash your face first to make sure pores are cleared of any dirt from the previous day, pat your beard dry. Place a few drops of beard oil on your fingertips and massage it on your facial hair down to the skin underneath, paying special attention to the hair roots. This way, you get the optimal benefits of using beard oil.


If you have too many beard care products and want to simplify, beard oil is a product you should keep as one of your essentials. Did you know that you can use it in multiple ways? Use it as a beard growth agent, especially if you have patchy spots; use it as a beard conditioner to help make your facial hair shiny and well-groomed without looking too oily; and use it as a skin moisturizer to help nourish the skin beneath your facial hair and prevent beard dandruff from happening.


First-time users are often surprised that most beard oils have a pleasant fragrance, which can give you an extra boost of confidence. Try our Beard Oil - Refresh, which has floral notes blended with a hint of powdery musk that users (and their partners) find irresistable. Our product is 100% all-natural and plant-based, so you don't have to worry about inhaling anything bad for your health (or turning people off!)


If you got excited and bought quite a few bottles of our beard oil, don't worry! Beard oil is a beard care essential that you can use during any season of the year - from the warm weather of spring and summer to the colder months of fall and winter. Another good thing about our beard oil is that it's easy to carry around, so you can continue your beard care routine at home or while traveling.

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